Committees and Community Service

Spring 2019, Fall 2021

Mentor at the University Professional Development Diploma for University Instructors, Center for Teaching and Learning Development, King Abdulaziz University.

Jeddah, KSA


Member in the Quality and Academic Accreditation Committee, Faculty of Science, KAU

Jeddah, KSA


Biochemistry Department Coordinator for the Program of Evaluation and Quality Assurance of University Performance (EQAUP).

Jeddah, KSA


Mentor at the University Professional Development Diploma for University Instructors, Center for Teaching and Learning Development, King Abdulaziz University.

Jeddah, KSA


Member in the Science Research and Innovation Unit, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University.

Jeddah, KSA

Fall 2013

Member in the Curriculum Development Committee, Biochemistry Department, KAU

Jeddah, KSA

Fall 2012 - present

Member in the Quality and Academic Accreditation Committee, Biochemistry Department, KAU

Jeddah, KSA


Member in the Disabled Students Committee, Biochemistry Department, KAU

Jeddah, KSA


Member in Bachelor Laboratories Advisory Committee, KAU

Jeddah, KSA

Spring 2010

Member in Abdul Latif Jameel Award Committee

Jeddah, KSA

Dec 8th 2010

Invited the Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research at Sultan Qaboos University to Visit Dar Al- Hekma College

Jeddah, KSA

Fall 2010

Member in the General- Education Mini Conference Organizing Committee, Dar Al Hekma College

Jeddah, KSA


Member in the Program Advisory Committee, Dar Al Hekma College

Jeddah, KSA

2010 -2011

Member in the Program Textbook Committee, Dar Al Hekma College

Jeddah, KSA

May17th 2010

Invited to Judge at KAUST Along with Judges from University of California at Berkeley to Evaluate Students Projects

Thuwal, KSA

2009- 2011

Member in the Fire Drill Team at Dar Al Hekma College

Jeddah, KSA

2009- 2011

General Education Program Representative in Self Study Committee, Dar Al Hekma College

Jeddah, KSA

2008- 2011

Member in the Black Cloud Research Team, a Joint Project Between Dar Al Hekma College and University of California at Berkeley (UCB)

Jeddah, KSA

Last Update
7/20/2020 4:56:22 PM